Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Research Of Rheims

French kings were coronaded in the city of Rheims
And such a study I conduct here will evoke new dreams
And it is good to sleep at night and live by the light of day
Soon to go back to work to earn my pay
And the treasure I am yet to find there
Will be worth a whole lot more
To consider that all is sacred
And all things are made pure
Going out to get a candle
And a five pound bag of sugar
Not concerned with the number nor the figure
Where gratitude is a gun
Without a barrel or a trigger....

Memory Of The Wetlands

Kindness is made of a quality harsh in the soggy swamp
And the quaggy marsh
Sometimes you are up to your waist in mire
As we wonder can we really rub sticks together
To start a campfire
As here is much greenwood
That won't seem to burn
As so in our failure much more we can learn
Back to rhyming until I'm given back the gift of prose
And before we make our prayer
All we want
Yeah, the good Lord knows....

Just Woke Up

I took a snooze for an hour
It was perfect peace
Woke just in time for medicine
With no suspicion of the police
Nothing illegal here
No trouble no nor fear
In a state of security and no craving for beer
Writing bad poetry as if my mind is in decay
So I'll turn on some music
In knowing that I'll find a way.....

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