Thursday, October 18, 2018



Laying hands upon me
For peace about which I pray and not cease
As to shake the dust from ones feet all for stewardship
And we are all High Priests as to do not what you are able
In cutting the cable dwelling in the plain of Mamre
With his servants by night all for prefatory remarks of subject matter
Between Aldermen as assigned to taxmen at Southampton
That it might be significant
Able to bombast our blank verse
A blessing in disguise of a curse.....


No further ceremony for Elizabethan curiculums of children's legislature
Forty-five years later
Here I am for stale bread and old wine
Well fed and too much time in ones scholarly consensus
In other means of ways in scores
Necessarily meeting up with John Hemmings
In the second best place
Good friend for Jesus' sake forbear
Blessed be the man for terminus ad quem
Our terminal point for following chronologies
One glad enough.....

Troupe Of Pens

As to rescue Lucrece and make peace
To pray and not cease
Christening a new pen for the sake of herself
Preforming in great hills for their acting skills
Bringing goods to London in a dream under another identity
Of inordinate haunting of great multitudes
All for our innyard themes and places to pay to perform
By the city's jurisdiction for our plot of land
As to salute Burbage
And let the bird out of her cage....


In all brevity concise
Making theatrical history willing to pay the price
Among the wealthy of prodigals
The fruit of your own creation
Established in blackfriars
I go home to make it work
Another at the other
Isn't it beautiful, brother
Entering one citizen at one door
In its precarious existence
O, the words one brings into the world
Growing stronger by resistance of Dominican priorities
For the curtain on the alcove just as certain
To rave and rove
By the contact for the fortune.....

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