Wednesday, August 24, 2016

more oil

More Oil (Supper)

The And is brought in as the Shekinah glory
Fills the house
Plowing him out of the icy crust
He saw no stay unless he smote at seven on the nose
I rejoice calling the world unity
He was gone
Tell them "Supper"
At such a word I salivate
But baby, whose to say
No more to build on there
Be joined together in the same mind
I wonder why but I dare not ask
Believe God and prosper
And never mind the mask
Find God's will and do it
For the rest of your life
As works bring more oil....

Believe God And Prosper

In Him is strength
As he shall establish
Follow the book
Act on what you understand
And God will show you more
Come the chain reaction
Give the read a chance this morning
O, dry bones get up and leap for joy
We've got to ride on it
Come success in purity
Where trouble begets maturity
Come the Huram of such a passage
We can run but we can't hide from it
Believe God and prosper
Its opening inside the crown
Revealeth men of renown
Believe God and prosper....

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