Thursday, April 5, 2018



Have a good service tomorrow
Looks like we won't be snowed in
So says gather according to the flesh
But only God knows about the length of nails on my toes
Written for the intent of our benefit as it sufficeth me
Come burnt offering of oxen
And a summer day yet to behold on tables of stone
Aaron and Hur not to worry not even for a flurry
Half blood into the basin
Just call me Jason
And I will be just me
O, I am not eloquent
But I have much to say....

Selvage Revisited

In the mountain
Forty days in the wilderness
And forty nights with nothing to eat or drink
Just think for ten curtains of blue, purple and scarlet
And the opportunity of a lifetime for selvage as to present raveling
With taches of gold made new in all that is old
Keep on believing in yourself
Passing the time of node. knob and protuberance
Don't bring them up again for surplus material
And another sunny day
Every curtain having one measure
My pleasure
In astounding firmaments
Nephi repents....


Getting into their ensigns
Still reading the book of Mormon
In all glories no one practices what they preach
Where they are in my reach
Of a candlestick of nine lamps
Quite made in the explanation of fifty taches of gold
O, our tachometer
It reads, "Press onward!"
As to extricate and disentangle
By the smell of eggs with a touch of red onion
Covet not your neighbor's cooking
And keep the main thing just what it is
By these eleven curtains of goat's hair is what we wear
As spying better dreams tonight
In the cleansing....

Mesa (Told Again)

Born under a good sign to consider the twins
but not so much as a way of duality nor two faced
In the time we chased
Plowing into Jarom for what can I write more of this
New stuff behold it is expedient that no one but Mother calls me
On that sinister landline
Yet to make the court as told to in the mount
As one today to learn of Jesus
For our relief society highs and lows
Sometimes that's the way it goes as time has died
For wheels on fire under Brigham
We are what we are.....

Under Eyring (Confronting Sunshine)

In formal struggles with this fear
God knows I can face it again in coming back
Finding joy in spite of life's difficulties
Up the hill of 29th Street past the beer mart no longer there
For His love has increased
Sometimes it gets too bright
But I pray that I confront today's sunshine
Down at the crossroads up past the Catholic church
Where my grandfather was the pianist
And fantastic memories of such nostalgic innocence
For games at seven eleven
The living Christ committed to memory
In places where I don't burn out in how things turn out....

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