Thursday, June 4, 2015


Many Distractions

The boss said that there would be many distractions
And the dentist tells me I'm in need of no more such abstractions
I count my blessings
I take what is coming
For ten drummers drumming
And higher forms of satisfactions
Luke chapter twenty
Where that comes from there is plenty
My goal this weekend is to share
They become my assignments
And I'm not afraid to care
I may be late in coming through
In a clean change of underwear
Hatred is just as bad as murder
In that out of the desires of the heart so comes war
Too late for Ulysses S. Grant
Instead I deal with my tens and twenties
And higher forms of plenties
Yesterday I had my coffee unleaded
And today I'll be in my excess
Faith accounted to as righteousness
Roll onto the south Pacific
The boss said it would be hard to maintain focus
I put in my time
Many distractions...

Silver Rail

I'm your silver rail
I will miss the mark
I will fail only to try again
To hit the head on the nail
And get the point of the message
And invest ten dollars in the cause of giving
South into Jamnia
And then into Azotus
Cat leaps back up between me and my bible
Who's driving my car now
It is not pride to acknowledge
That God gives you a gift
As long as it doesn't lead to arrogance
This will do for sober judgment
In knowing only who you are
In God here, Now and today and not someday
Moses is named the meekest man on the face of the earth
To be a gentle giant pulling punches
Meek men are mighty ministers and life is good
I'm your silver rail...


Take credit where it is due
Yet to edit that which might pertain to you
Need to polish up diamonds in the rough
Need to improvise in ones ways of being courageous and tough
Our freedom wars worth fighting for
But not to kill but to conquer oneself
Faith is accounted as righteousness
Acts chapter seven
Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised of heart
Verse fifty-one known as the true work of art
To but be humbled
Where many before have stumbled
Prayer is one of my ministries
Just like the cookie that crumbled
Do it today, don't wait till July
It was a good experience
The preacher says I'm just a man
Starting out the sermon with an invitation
And I go up there to kneel down
And to pray for somebody
And give them an holy hug....

Stiffnecked (Part Two)

Neil on my Dell
And Testament on my Sony
In matters of heaven and hell
In saying that nothing here and now is phony
While concerned with the present moment, it is real
Still going my own way
That's just the way I feel
Giving life to the ancient One
Don't make obedience optional
Such is not a word only for the growing boy
Slow obedience is no obedience
Into subjection
I lose my erection
I'm just a man
But still believe in the resurrection
At least I'm honest
Turning the podium over to Stills
As I drink just as much coffee as God wills
solo albums
As so my time it kills
Still going my own way..

Straight Up

We look on the outward
God sees the heart
We look for manifestations
Where faith is in what we cannot see
And it's a work of art
God puts a message in him
To give to us
That's the beauty in it
Getting off to another good start
For frondescence and photosynthesis
I'm not one to tell you what to do
Reading letters from Damascus concerning me and you
Toward the South at noon
It is a command to open your mouth
But not too late nor too soon
Arise and go into the city
See your way by the light of the full moon
It is hard for you to kick against the goads
What do you need to prove on rocky roads
Arise and go into a street called Straight
Laying down all weapons and to relinquish all hate
We look on the outward
God sees the heart....

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